Wicker Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

Wicker Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes July 17, 2006

Present: Kelle Torres (Park Supervisor), Julie Dickinson (WPAC Co-President), Denise Browning, Nick Sommers, Doug Wood, Patrick, Lorrie Elliott (secretary), Elaine Coorens, Richard Tilley.

  1. Approval of June minutes: approved with minor corrections.
  2. Tile Project: Discussion of tile project costs. Current costs include labor costs, which were not part of the initial estimate because the CPD was going to help mount the tiles. However, this is not installation: this means mounting it on the fieldhouse wall, not mounting it onto the boards and grouting it. Two options remain: either tile artist (Carol) can mount the tiles, or the WPAC can; if WPAC does this, this will cut labor costs by approximately half. The WPAC had allocated $1500 total fo r the project; if the artist implements the mounting, this will be a total of $3974 ($2474 over budget); if WPAC does the mounting, the total will be $3174 ($1674 over budget).

    The current estimate for the bench around the council circle is $13,000 and it’s unclear as of this date how much the donor of the memorial is willing to donate. We could potentially need to cover that gap, which may be $3000 or more. In addition, the boggy area around the water area of the playground may cost $5000 (rather than the budgeted $2500) due to the addition of a bench. Therefore, the WPAC cannot fund all projects.

    Extensive discussion ensued since funding the artist doing labor entirely would take the budget down to $500 of discretionary funds. Discussion of asking Park Kids families to donate some money when they return to the park in the fall (tabled).

    Motion to approve the payment of the tile project with the artist implementing the whole project, with payment of $2074 now and $1900 when project is completed, but contract with artist that she must account for the hours spent on the second phase and that less hours will result in a lower bill (and she must complete by a specific date). Moved, seconded, and passed by verbal vote.

  3. Pick Memorial: discussed above
  4. Treasurer’s report: Raised $1200 from the carnival and $200 from donations from the movie. Parkways Foundation: donation of $100 made at music event this past weekend. Still waiting for approval of plaque.
  5. Committee Reports
    1. Dog Park: CPD is looking at making further improvements.
    2. Summerfest concerns (Doug Wood): Doug went through rules of how events are supposed to be booked. Concern for Summerfest this weekend: Park District and City has made no commitment for security, and Chamber of Commerce will supply only one security guard. Waste management is now available in Wicker Park for weekdays but not weekends. The field house hours will not be extended. There are no portable toilets available inside the park and the Summerfest portable toilets are far on the other side of Damen Ave. The CPD has not answered requests for extra security from their force. The CPD’s position is that the festival is not taking place in the park, and the Summerfest organizers and Bucktown/Wicker Park Chamber of Commerce feel they should not have to provide security to the park since the event is taking place on the street. Doug will try to work with both of these organizations to ensure the park is protected and the festival goers have ample toilet facilities (problem last year with urinating in the park).

Meeting adjourned at 9: 10 pm.