Wicker Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes

Attendees – Matt Stangl, Susan Fontana, Doug Wood, Kathy Grayson, Kathe Telingator, Julie Dickinson, Daniel Marre, Marily Morales, Nick Sommers, Kelly Weiss, Elaine Coorens, Dina Petrakis, Denise Browning

Tile Project – made progress at Coyote Art Festival and will continue

Fieldhouse Expansion – Nick has had discussions with Kelly; will need to setup a committee for further coordination; included in budget

WPAC Treasurer Report – Nick passed out of summary of 2004 activities.

Playground – Randy (contractor) said soft service is under warranty and will be taken care of; he also said plants are not under warranty and plant layout should be reconsidered; he would be happy to help out with landscape reorganization; he agreed that gates should be added and would be willing to work with us (gate cost is not known); he thinks that the nozzle is defective and should be replaced; for warranty issues, Dina suggested that a letter should be created to document the problems; stroller area needs to get created; more damage to shrubs since school started; homeless folks sleeping in the playground

Benches & Fountain Railing – cost is $800 – $1500 for benches; a quote for fountain railing will be determined by Marilyn, the Wicker Park Committee may contribute some money; concrete bench was broken and removed this spring (Marilyn will look into replacing it)

Special Events (Halloween) – Nick & Kelly will get candy for trick-or-treating (250 sets); event will take place on Monday, October 31st at 4 pm; get pumpkins from farmer’s market as donations for pumpkin decorating (Dina will ask them for donations this year); maybe get parents of neighbor families to help (Kelly will ask around, Silva may also be an option, Browns could be an option, Shorts may be an option, lawyer may be an option)

Special Events (Christmas) – Doug will setup Christmas lights

Park Hours – stay open on Sundays through the end of October

Around the Coyote – see “Around the Coyote (9.19.05 Meeting).pdf”

Funds raised from outside events such as Around the Coyote, Renegade Craft Fair, etc. (Where does the money go?) – agreed that we should not wasted our time looking into this issue

Banner – it is falling apart and not very visible; maybe create a banner or board which directs people to the website; Pritzer has agreed to post any information that the WPAC needs; Susan thinks that board is useful since it has been there forever and many people look at; maybe a kiosk should be installed in the playground; Dina thinks that marquee is not pleasing to look at; Matt will continue working on it

Budget Hearings – Jeff Allen, co-chair, represented WPAC see “CPD Budget Hearing – 9.21” below for document submitted. Doug Wood prepared information as well see “2004 WPAC Budget (9.19.2005 Meeting).pdf” below.

Supervisor’s Meeting – roof has been repaired; all rooms except for the locker rooms have been painted; lighting has been fixed; tables have been power-washed; air conditioning has been requested; programs are running smoothly and are at capacity (turned away some)

Janitor – current cleaner doesn’t do his job; supervisor is required to write him up; Marilyn cannot do anything until janitor is written up