Wicker Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

Wicker Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

Date: April 10, 2007

Present: Kelly Torres (Park Supervisor), Denise Browning, Doug Wood, Susan Fontana, Julie Dickinson, Richard Tilley, D. R. Edwards, Sylvia Ramos, Adam Housley, John Shirk, Josh Taylor, Paula Barrington (Wicker Park Chamber of Commerce), Shannon Rooney (Alderman Flores’s office), Risk Seng and Luis Perez (Rhyme Spitters), Tim Kolecke

  1. Approval of March Minutes (D. R. Edwards). Ms. Ramos moved to approve the minutes; Mr. Tilley seconded. The minutes were approved by unanimous vote.
  2. Wicker Park Chamber of Commerce (Paula Barrington of the Wicker Park CoC). The Wicker Park Festival is scheduled for July 28-29 along Damen. Ms. Fontana and others voiced WPAC’s concerns, especially late-night security for, drinking in, and significant damage to the Park. Ms. Barrington informed WPAC that she wished to address those concerns. Further meeting was schedule for Friday at 5:00 p.m.
  3. Renegade Festival (Shannon Rooney of Alderman Flores’s office). The Alderman and Ms. Rooney understand WPAC’s concerns for the Park; believe that the Festival should stay in the neighborhood. Ms. Ramos and Ms. Edwards suggested Pritzker’s playground and the surrounding streets as an alternative. CPD is to meet with the Renegade staff to discuss alternatives.
  4. Rhyme Spitters (Risk Seng and Luis Perez). Rhyme Spitters is scheduled for August 18 (registration from 12-2, event from 2-5). WPAC members confirmed that this event has always been very well run and one of “the best” users of the Park. Mr. Seng informed WPAC that the only changes would be small stages (like pallets) and relatively low-volume microphones. Event was unanimously approved by WPAC.
  5. Dog Park (Adam Housely). The Dog Park is to be cleaned on March 31. The Dog Park has set up a web site WickerBark.org. The Dog Park needs new fencing. May have “yappyhour” &/or a table at the carnival to raise some funds.
  6. Carnival (Ms. Dickinson and Ms. Ramos)
    1. Ms. Dickinson: $600 has been budgeted and is being donated; clown and balloons are being donated.
    2. Ms. Ramos: Fire department (trucks), police (horses), and city clerk’s office are all contributing. All schools except Anderson have rsvp’d yes.
    3. Except for NFP organization, tables will be available for a $150 donation.
  7. Supervisor’s Report (Kelly Torres)
    1. Recreation Leader and Attendants: These positions still have not been filled. We are loosing the $$$$ for the rec leader each day the position goes unfilled. Interviews for rec leader should be conducted next week. Seasonal landscape position should be filled by April 19.
    2. All work orders have been put through and many are done. Need PO for the rest of the shades and the pull strings.
  8. Treasurer’s Report (Richard Tilley): Mr. Tilley submitted a written report.
  9. Committees
    1. Earth Day (Susan Fontana and Doug Wood): Volunteers will work on the Park. Citichurch will donate water for workers.
    2. Fountain (Doug Wood): Estimated costs are $24,500 for benches, $14,000 for urns, $3,000-4,000 for plaques.
    3. Garden (Doug Wood): Mr. Wood had handouts for all the events the Garden Club is doing.
    4. Bear Bog (Julie Dickinson): The Bear Bog is FIXED!
    5. Oppenheimer Project (Julie Dickinson): This project should be completed by April 20.

Meeting was adjourned by acclamation. Next meeting will be May 8, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Field House.