Wicker Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

Present: Jason Zaffaroni (Part-time Physical Instructor), Tim Kolecke (President & Website), Scott Venable (Vice-President & Mosaic Church), Doug Wood (Secretary and Garden Club Coordinator), Denise Browning (WPAC & WPGarden), Susan Fontana (WPAC & WPGarden), Tyler Culligan (Magic Boat), Ryan Jackson (Softball)

  1. Minutes – Doug Wood – September Minutes were read and approved.
  2. Treasurer’s Report – Richard Tilley- Report Submitted via Email and read at the meeting– In England during the meeting.
  3. Committee Reports
    • Dog Park Committee – Adam Housley – Absent – sent report via email. There will be a Dog Park Cleaning the first Saturday in November.
    • Web Site Committee – Tim Kolecke – Tim reported on Web site updates for Boo-Palooza, hits, and links to events. He will work to determine how a direct link from the photographers at Boo – Palooza to the website can be set up. Tim will work to get FACE BOOK enhanced and connected into our partners networks.
    • Softball Committee – Ryan Jackson – Everything went well in the summer. The Department of Natural Resource’s Landscapers assisted regularly in preparing the field. They did a great job Also, extra dirt was installed during the summer, which was very helpful.
    • Gardens and Landscape Committee – Doug Wood, Denise Browning – Doug reported that the group attended the Garfield Park County Fair. They raised $350 for the new windows by sharpening tools and soliciting donations. He reported that garden tending is going well.
    • Park Security Enhancements – Cameras and Extra Security: Doug Wood reported that 2 new security cameras are to be installed by the end of October. These cameras are funded by the Park District and 1st Ward Alderman Moreno. The permission to hire overnight security is still pending. It was reported that drug deals and drinking are still occurring as they were when we came to the meeting. In addition, the night before during the Garden Club’s lecture series, the same activities were actively going on as reported by many of the lecture goers. Again, the group suggested that the security guard goes outside hourly.
    • 2012 Budget Hearing Meeting – Tim Kolecke reported that he attended the meeting and had good discussions with many of the Park District administrative staff. The group discussed the positive affects of submitting our Budget Hearing report and of Tim Kolecke attending the meeting. We now have Norman (rec leader) back and the full-time custodian position has been filled after being vacant for 2 years. We will follow up on the simple improvements request: upgrade broken sidewalks, etc.
    • John Davidson Retires October 31, 2011: Tim Kolecke reported that Art Richardson and Cynthia Rosario informed him that John Davidson would retire at the end of October 2011. He had asked them to attend the October 4 WPAC meeting – but, they did not attend. No details were available, other than another park would probably share a supervisor with us until a new supervisor was hired. The group would like to hear details at the next meeting.
  4. Staff Reports –Jason Zaffaroni (Part-time Physical Instructor) – Jason reported that the fall session was in full swing and sold out for most of the classes. Cross country was successful and the staff and children are now preparing for hockey tournament. Norman (recreation leader) has returned to our park after being transferred to Humboldt Park. The full time custodian position is now filled.
  5. Questions for Jason:
    • Are art classes being taught this fall? Laura Kastner is not teaching art classes this fall, but, staff is working on it.
    • Why was the portable toilet removed? Jason did not know why the portable toilet was removed. Doug Wood stated that the toilets were to be in the park until December and that the Garden Club had offered to pay for a second cleaning each week from July-December.
    • Are the Rooms requested for Boo – Palooza Booked? Doug Wood asked if the 3 rooms requested for Boo-Palooza (request submitted in early September) were booked. Jason determined they were not, and booked them at the meeting.
    • Is the Equipment for Boo – Palooza Confirmed and the unwanted equipment cancelled? Doug Wood asked if the equipment requested for Boo-Palooza was confirmed. Jason was not sure.
    • ACTION: Doug Wood will contact Joseph Poelsterl at trades to confirm the chairs and tables and the time of delivery for Boo – Palooza. He will also confirm that the other items have been cancelled.
  6. Boo – Palooza Event Planning: Doug gave an update and then said that he will contact those not at the meeting and set a Meeting to discuss the details of Boo-Palooza. Ryan offered that Powell’s Books could donate Halloween themed books for Boo – Palooza. Ryan will work with Denise Browning to pick them up from his Hyde Park Store.

Adjourned at 8:30 pm