Wicker Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

Wicker Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

Date: May 8, 2007

Present: Kelly Torres (Park Supervisor), Denise Browning, Doug Wood, Susan Fontana, Richard Tilley, D.R. Edwards, Sylvia Ramos, Elaine Coorens, Cynthia Rosario, John Shirk, Josh Taylor, Lisa Muellman, Josh Oswalt (BSA), Chris Johnson (Alderman Flores’s office).

  1. Approval of April Minutes (D.R. Edwards). Ms. Ramos moved to approve the minutes (with corrected typos); Mr. Tilley seconded. The minutes were approved by unanimous vote.
  2. Boy Scouts: Josh Oswalt made a presentation, and passed out information, on behalf of Boy Scouts of America. According to Mr. Oswalt, a troop must have a steering committee/sponsor and a meeting place; fees are minimal ($20 charter fee, $10 membership fees for scouts and leaders); BSA provides insurance and guidance. BSA is invited to Children’s Carnival.
  3. Alderman’s Office: Chris Johnson of the Alderman’s office made a presentation explaining the City’s new recycling program and new street cleaning indicator lights; he also reported that discussion were continuing with the organizers of the Renegade Craft Festival and the CPD.
    1. Cynthia Rosario, on behalf of the CPD, reported that all fees paid by the Renegade Craft Festival would go directly to the Park. The exact amount is not known. (At the next WPAC meeting, Ms. Rosario will bring/provide info that shows that the Park receives such funds in its annual budget.)
    2. After much discussion, John Shirk suggested a “split” between the Park and the A.N. Pritzker School, with half of the festival being conducted in the park and half in the School. The Committee endorsed this approach.
  4. Chamber Festival: Susan Fontana prepared and presented minutes of the meeting between WPAC member and the Chamber. This festival cannot be relocated.
    1. Sylvia Ramos will check to see if the school can rent parking to the festival.
    2. CPD’s risk management must see, and sign off on, the fence design ASAP.
  5. Children’s Carnival (Julie Dickinson and Sylvia Ramos): Julie Dickinson has stepped down from active coordination of this event; Sylvia Ramos will continue coordination with the assistance of Lisa Muellman. Ms. Dickinson will be asked to account for all donations and give them to Mr. Tilley. Josh Taylor will look for food donations for all volunteers. Ms. Edwards will take care of the lemonade/popcorn/donation stand. Ms. Ramos passed out information re status.
  6. Treasurer’s Report (Richard Tilley): Mr. Tilley passed out a written report and will be submitting the WPAC’s annual report to the state.
  7. Supervisor’s Report (Kelly Torres): Recreation Leader and Attendants positions still have not been filled. (Other items tabled due to length of meeting).
  8. Committees
    1. Oppenheimer Dedication (Julie Dickinson). Mr. Torres will contact CPD re quality of installation, and Ms. Dickinson will keep WPAC informed re the dedication.
    2. Other items/committees tabled due to length of meeting.

Meeting was adjourned by acclamation. Next meeting will be June 12, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Field House.